How Malawi has Impacted My Research

Eileen Tacuri
2 min readMar 17, 2021

When reading a Medium Post from a non-peer it really helped me realize this issue is also being recognized by other people around the world and it’s great that we have people who are very active about the cause I read a Medium post “ The Moral Imperative of Quality Education’’ which in a quick summary spoke about the quality of education in Malawi and how global leaders should commit to investing in children education because they are out future

As of 2015 Malawi has taken a strong action toward the education issue they have increased education spending which rose from 12.5% of domestic budget to 21% in 2015 this is one of the countries that are really spending their budget in helping children receive education sadly the list of countries who put at least 20% of their budget to education is very small and we would love to see those numbers increase but sadly very recently it has quite actually dropped down.

Malawi is really taking a step forward because they know that sadly many adults did not get the chance to complete school and would have loved the chance to receive education so Malawi is now implementing adult school to allow adults who did not receive an education be allowed to do so at night school.

This article has really enlightened me in ways we can help. Yes there is a problem but how do we solve it well? Here is a perfect example. Well known artist and education advocate Rhianna teamed up with the global partnership for education really helping the children out in malawi but if Rhianna is doing it why not get more people with a platform involved if more people were involved we can help many different countries and see incredible growth such as Malawi.

Now the GPE has been a great help when it comes to providing education to children. They really are trying to help as much as they can. The 2020 goal for the GPE is to distribute more than $2 Billion dollars to help more children stay in school. When talking about the GPE we are very thankful for their help and are very fortunate to have it but we know that without the GPE help we would be at a risk of around 825 million children being at risk to be left without an education.


Syndicate, Project. “The Moral Imperative of Quality Education.” Medium, Project Syndicate, 27 Nov. 2017,

