Peru & Ecuador close by proximity but what about education ?

Eileen Tacuri
3 min readMar 17, 2021

When reading my peer Claudia Cabrera’s medium post, “Flaws of the Peruvian education system” it really did help and enlighten my insights as my own research is based off a third world country Ecuador which is actually very close to Peru and has a lot in common.

When hearing about Claudia’s personal experience with the Peruvian education it reflects on the key issue here, which is how many children are given an education based on their socio economic backgrounds. If it is low, they will most likely be pulled out of school sadly that is the reality of children in third world countries.

Something I got out of Claudia’s post was that children in Peru as well as Ecuador are offered two options: public or private school and the public schools are left with less resources and they do not receive high qualified professors such as private schools do. When I was reading Claudia’s post I saw some very interesting statistic that 54% of the population have chosen public schools over Private schools, but very recently now 67% of the Peruvian children are now enrolled in private schools.

This is very understandable because all these children their parents did not get a fair chance at an education and want to provide the best quality of education for their children and they would love to send their children to a public school. Unfortunately the professors in public schools are not as qualified as the private schools leading the parents to have to pay for a private education. I really loved the suggestion you mentioned of offering a cash prize for children that graduate secondary school.

This will definitely impulse children to continue going to school and giving their best effort which I do think is a great way to incentivize children but may not be the best when we are considering 500+ graduates. To have to do this every year is not the best option but we can definitely run something like this along the lines to have almost a reward for children who graduate and will have a ripple effect that can possible lead more children to complete their education.

In conclusion I really enjoyed reading Claudia’s post, I loved learning very much from her and also reading all the data she had found really did bring a lot more information that made me think of ways to implement more data for my own research.


Cabrera, Claudia. “Quality of Education.” Medium, Supporting Our Future, 3 Mar. 2021,

